Week 1: Spirit Realm and Near Death Experiences -Brittany Carlson

            This week, we read, “Fight the Tower: Call to Action for Women of Color in the Academy” by Caroline Kieu Linh Valverde; Near Death Cases Desegregating Non-Locality/Disembodiment via Quantum Mediated Consciousness: An Extended Version of the Cell-Soul Pathway” by Contzen Pereira and J Shashi Kiran Reddy; and “An Approach to Prove the Existence of After Life by Analyzing Near Death Experience’s Data with Mathematical Logic” by Arindam Kumar Paul, Liton Devnath, and Md. Rafiqul Islam. The first reading by Caroline Kieu Linh Valverde was about her near death experience and the loss of her unborn child due to both the physical and emotional stresses resulting from the battle for her tenure stemming from the oppression of the Academy towards women of color (Valverde). This reading relates to the theme of the week because it exposes our professor’s own personal connection to near death experiences and the spirit realm. The second reading by Contzen Pereira and J Shashi Kiran Reddy was a scientific attempt to explain what a soul is and how it is connected to a person’s body (Pereira and Reddy). This reading connects to the theme of the week because it used a number of examples of near death experiences in order to help explain how the soul is connected to the physical body. The third reading by Arindam Kumar Paul, Liton Devnath, and Md. Rafiqul Islam was a proposed mathematical equation and explanation about how time is perceived differently in near death experiences (Paul, Devnath, and Islam), which relates to the theme of the week because it attempts to describe the feelings and sensations associated with near death experiences in a mathematical way.

Question: How long can a soul continue to retain and collect memories and sensory input while not physically attached to a host body before it ceases to continue collecting input and no longer store memories?
Image result for spirit realm

Literature Cited:
Arindam Kumar Paul, Liton Devnath, and Md. Rafiqul Islam. An Approach to Prove the Existence of After Life by Analyzing Near Death Experience’s Data with Mathematical Logic.”
Contzen Pereira & J Shashi Kiran Reddy. “Near Death Cases Desegregating Non-Locality/Disembodiment via Quantum Mediated Consciousness: An Extended Version of the Cell-Soul Pathway.” 
Kieu Linh Valverde. “Fight the Tower: Call to Action for Women of Color in the Academy.”
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