Week 5- Marisa Gee

The lack of awareness and information about the dangers of Wi- Fi and EMF is alarming especially when it concerns younger children. I remember there was a scare some time ago about whether or not cell phones were responsible for cancers and for a while people were cautious about where they keep their cell phones often avoiding keeping it near their head when sleeping or in their pockets for extended periods of time. However, in my opinion the scare and whatever evidence or scientific studies that backed up the claim sort of disappeared potentially because no new studies were looked at or the information as widely disseminated as opposed to new technologies being introduced. Essentially people decided as a whole that the “risk” is worth it but I feel like if EMF and technology and the connection to radiation were stressed than maybe people wouldn’t ignore it. No amount of continuous radiation, even at the supposedly small amounts cell phones and Wi- Fi emit, will prove to not be harmful in the long run.

Connecting the readings to the tarot card was easy because the readings clearly point EMF and our heavy use of technology as being the entity of the “devil,” or a societal wide delusion/addiction. One point that the tarot card made that I believe is very important is the statement about reflecting on our own agency within the larger societal context. I think if individuals were to begin to consider Wi- Fi and EMF as a public health issue than potentially we could begin to advocate for the health of our youngest members. As a whole though I feel we equate progress with the newest technology and to sort of regress or for example remove Wi- Fi from pubic spaces would be difficult if not impossible considering Wi- Fi is everywhere from coffee shops to libraries to airplanes. What do you guys think? Is removing Wi- Fi and restricting it a realistic solution or do you think there is an alternative one that society may be more willing to easily accept?


“The Devil” (tarot card)

Cindy Russell. “Wi- Fi in the Schools: Are We Playing IT Safe With Our Students.”

Brian Spero. “Is Wi- Fi in Schools Safe?: Putting EMF Exposure on Your Radar of Potential Health Risks.”




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