Week 5 - Matthew Mandel

This week we take a look at a very interesting article entitled Wifi In Schools written by Cindy Russell. Immediately, she jumps into the article explaining how wifi and wireless units in school have affected learning for kids and caused problems with the radiation. While never seeing or hearing a problem of this radiation in the United States schools, apparently it does have an affect on the world as both France and Israel have made it a law to ban wifi and wireless electronics from schools.

Through reading this articles it says that many of the radiation health problems that could be caused from wireless units such as iPods and phones as well as microwaves sending off radiation can cause problems such as “disruption of memory, decline of attention, diminishing learning and cognitive abilities, increased irritability, sleep problems, increase in sensitivity
to the stress, and increased epileptic readiness” (Russell). Through careful analyzation of my high school cognition through to the university level, I really have come to see many of these problems showing up in my daily life such as sleep problems, irritability and many more. While looking at the current and new generations of kids who are being forced to use technology in school I can feel that their will be health problems and life and social disadvantages in these newer generation of kids.

Question: Does technology affect those who can communicate with the spiritual world, if so what affects does it have when they are communicating or traveling between worlds?


Russell, Cindy. “Wi-Fi in the Schools: Are We Playing It Safe With Our Students.”

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