Week 10 - Spirit Realm in Computer Science - Ryan Tong

It would be very interesting to include the spirit realm into the study of Computer Science. Using the technology of today, we can display the effects and the atmosphere of how the spirit realm works. For those who cannot explain the spirit realm, the concept of the spirit realm can be visualized through technological means.

There are many ways to incorporate the spirit realm into Computer Science. One method would be to use virtual reality to build a software application to visit the spirit realm. Using people who have witnessed the spirit realm, a group of software engineers can design an application that can allow for those who have not visited the spirit realm to experience this world. Even if it is not an exact representation, it can allow people to better understand how the spirit realm operates.

This can not only allow people to understand the spirit realm from a technological standpoint, but it can further improve our abilities to incorporate the spiritual side of education into the discipline of Computer Science. This can be the stepping stone to viewing education from more than just the science and “factual” side, and more to view the suppressed spiritual side of education.


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