Week 2 - Giverny Yang

Giverny Yang
ASA 189B
Week 2
Image result for shaman hmongImage result for shaman hmong
Although I grew up in a Shaman household, I never really knew much about Shamanism. When I was younger, I'd question what was happening and why things were used during
the spirit healing events and i'd never get my questions answered. I enjoy how we are learning
about Shamanism in this class to answer a few of my questions.
One question I did get answered a few years back was about how Shamans became Shamans.
My dad's aunt is a Shaman and I remember my mom telling me she had gotten really sick for
a few years and they thought she wasn't going to make it. This was the case in the Pa Lor story
and Houa's story in lecture. It sounds to be a reoccurring event when you are chosen to be
a shaman. I related to parts of the Pa Lor story article as I read through it. I could relate to the
long days of the spiritual healing events held on the weekends and I knew exactly what they
were talking about with utilizing tools, supplies, and benches as mentioned in the guest speaker
presentation. I've also participated in many spiritual healings done by shamans to help cure or
protect me and my family. It's nice to learn more about this to help me better understand my
culture.I also like knowing that it is becoming more accepted into society now because growing up,
I always felt like my friends all thought it was some weird or unacceptable practice. Although I
am learning a lot about shamanism, one question I still have is what if you do not want to be
a shaman? Is there a way you can turn that down?


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