Week 5 - Alyssa Vang

Alyssa Vang - ASA 189B - Week 5 - Spiritual Healings
From the very beginning we started talking about how spirituality was a skeptical study for most people. They believed that spiritual healing was weird, black magic, or even not real and it would not not able to cure people of their sickness. But because healers have such a strong talent and a reason to why they are becoming healers, they have shown multiple cures through people through spiritual healing; everybody's different. The only thing that does not seem to make sense to other people are, how is it scientifically proven? How can one scientifically PROVE that this technique of healing works. After several years of trying to prove spirituality can heal people are starting to look more towards spiritual healing, rather than medicine. For a period of time medicine was periodically just given to a person to take down their symptoms. Long fights through spiritual healing, it has slowly become apart of using it as apart in a hospital. In the reading You are here: locating spirituality on the map of the current medical world" by Parameshwaran Ramakrishnan talks about how they are able to incorporate spiritual healing into their care system as the an option like everything else. He also describes a type of plan called the Chaplaincy where it is a process for one to care for themselves spiritually and being able to use that to relief symptoms (knowing their own body), not only that but also involves empathy that would help develop evidence-based practice during that spiritual care. This process has become a large impact in clinical education and I'm glad they they are starting to be open minded about using other resources rather than relying everything on science, sometimes science can't even be relied on. But how long will it take for programs like this to rise but to only fall when people stop believing it again?


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