Week 9-Uyen Ngo

While researching for our project, we have come across the term "New Age" several times. The New Age method paints "the universe as a single interconnected field" and this "holistic notion provides the New Age spiritual orientation with its guiding transcendent value" (364). And in some ways, while holistic healing is in no way common just yet, it has recently gain exposure in the past few years. However, at the beginning of the article, they raise a very interesting question: "is spirituality a private possession or does it belong today more in the public domain—making it something freely accessible to whom soever chooses? (361). This made me really think about how this new exposure and this "New Age" method could in some ways be a double sword. For our project, we are focusing on the healing powers of crystals and while we were researching, we have come to find out that a lot of the people who are selling these crystals are actually white women. And in some ways, who are we to tell them that they can not connect to their spirituality and explore these methods as well. Is that not what we have been pushing for? For Western culture to be more accepting of other methods besides science? Yes, of course that is our goal. However, there is a fine line between educating yourself on other methods and doing it to look "cool", which is something that media has ended up doing in the past few years. 

(Jane the Virgin; Jane holding a crystal in her hand)

I recently watched "Jane the Virgin" and they actually incorporated using crystals into part of a character's healing process. It made me feel uneasy instead of comforting that they did so. I thought I would be glad that a mainstream show was giving everyday practice of spirituality some exposure. However, it didn't settle right that it felt like it was something they threw in, without giving us any background or context or hint that they understood the power and knowledge behind it. So in conclusion, I think while its great that media has been giving spirituality exposure, I also think that to use spirituality, one must be willing to do the work to understand its powers and truly want to use it to better their spiritual well being. 

Works Cited
Michael York. “New Age Commodification and Appropriation of Spirituality.”


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