WEEK 10 (Jennifer Agcanas)

Jennifer Agcanas
Week 10

I'm eternally grateful I took this class even though I technically wasn't supposed to take it because it was an upper division and I am only a freshman. Besides the fact, this class was one of the only classes I look forward to going because everyone (Professor Valverde, Karen, students, guest speakers, etc) all had an open mind, comforting nature, and interesting stories and insight to bring to the table on the topic of the spirit realm. Spirit realm, spirituality, nature's role in this urbanized world, etc. and the endless topics/concepts that come along with them were all delved into in such an effective and captivating manner via the group presentations, films we watched, and different approaches the class lecture was set up (ex: the Rock Shop visit or class outside). I felt engrossed into the discussion-like structure where we would share in groups on the thought-provoking questions the presentations would bring about. Additionally, I really enjoyed the spirit realm project as a replacement for the final since it brought out our creative, artistic side which isn't usually provoked in college. One suggestion I would have is introducing more guest speakers like a tarot card reader or a shaman who can actually do a demonstration of their work possibly on a volunteer/student from the class. Thank you for this class and please continue to teach it !


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