Week 10 - Kenrick Chiang

I definitely thought that this class had a lot to offer and I felt like I was able to learn a lot of different information while taking this course. Initially, when I enrolled, I had no idea that this class had anything to do with the spirit realm and I thought that it would be like your traditional class. On Day 1, my expectations were extremely surpassed and I thought everything we discussed was relevant and interesting. When I started off this quarter, in class, I specifically said that I was very indifferent on the whole topic of the spirit realm and had little to no religious affiliation. After taking this course, I came to appreciate the fact that there are spirits around us and that there is so much more that we have to still learn about the spirit realm itself. I learned a lot about alternative healing methods, Western vs. Eastern methodologies, animism, and so much more. A lot of this information, to me, I feel like is something that I can remember and apply in future instances. I definitely thought that the films were really insightful because of the information that they were all trying to deliver and I felt like a lot of this information stuck with me. Films even like Princess Mononoke, which are fictitious, still deliver an impactful message while also captivating my interest on the film and topic of the spirit realm. This class definitely surpassed my expectations because I did not really have any expectations to begin with because I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into. As I stated, I had little to no knowledge on the topic aside from the fact that I have family in Taiwan who heavily believe in the spirit realm. I really enjoyed this class because we were able to discuss about our experiences about anything and tie it into the class perfectly. I also really enjoyed the field trip because it gave me a lot of hands on experience with crystals and the different meanings/powers behind them. Thanks for the awesome class everyone!

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