Week 10: Nouriyah Saleh

Nouriyah Saleh

Week 10: Reflection

I was pretty skeptical during the first couple weeks of class, but the more I learned about spirituality and beliefs in other cultures (like shamanism for example), the more I believe that these "supernatural" experiences are real because people don't say they experience these kind of things for no reason. It's so normalized for people to think scientifically and this class helped me realize that it's okay to believe in the spirit realm. I loved how open-minded our class was and I'm thankful people were open to sharing and listening to each other's experiences and ideas.

Before I came to this class, I was a believer of karma and "what goes around comes around". Now, I believe that "everything happens for a reason" and the bad things that happen to me are "blessings in disguise". Keeping these in mind has taught me to be more optimistic about my current state and future and has eased my stress in some ways. I'm happy to have taken this class because it's helped me to be a little more well-rounded.

I didn't have too many qualms about this course besides that it fell into a routine each week with the presentations and discussions, which got a little boring. Other than that, I wish the course was more organized in terms of deadlines because they tended to change last-minute. Although, I highly enjoyed the field trip we took to The Rock Shop and can see myself buying more crystals in the future! Overall, I enjoyed what we learned because this class is honestly like no other and I'm grateful for what was taught.

Image result for citrine

(I got a citrine from The Rock Shop without knowing what it meant and it turned out to be the perfect stone for me!)


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