Week 10 -Uyen Ngo

As a premed student, my life has always revolved around science. I have been taught to not question it. Growing up around other doctors I have learned to never question their knowledge and believe that they are all knowing. I was also in no way religious, so in combination of the strong science background I grew up with, it might be the reason why not once have I ever explored the idea of spirits, despite the fact that my home country's society is fairly connected to their spirit realms. This class really opened my idea to the possibility or it as well as made me reflect on my experiences growing up and how there's a probability that the signs I ignore could be an indication of my strong connection to the spirit realm. This class really taught me that I can keep my strong belief in science while also being in touch with my spirits. On top of that, I still want to go to medical school but now I am going in with a goal, the goal to be a different type of doctor. 
As with all the classes I have take with Professor Valverde, this class has given me a new perspective that i never thought I would ever explore. And to be surrounded by others who wanted to learn and were willing to share their stories was an amazing experience to have as well. I walked out of this class feeling more connected to myself as well as the energies of others that surround me. 


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