Week 3: Nouriyah Saleh

Nouriyah Saleh
Week 3 Blog (Make-up)

After reading, "What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital", I started thinking differently about those with mental disorders. I was pretty surprised by the story of Alex and how Dr. Somé took him to Africa to undergo shamanic rituals to align with the spirit realm. I started questioning immediately...Is this real? How many people have gone through shamanic rituals to relieve their mental disorders? How come this is the first time I'm hearing about this? But then again, studying the spirit realm is out of the ordinary and even the presence and essence of this class is considered abnormal to western standards. I became skeptical of what I already knew. As Americans, I feel like we're conditioned to think that mental disorders can only be fixed through western medicine and if hospitals can't fix it, then there's no other option - the person will just have to go through life as they are. It's crazy to me how learning about the spirit realm has opened up so many options but is so stigmatized because it isn't science-based. I definitely want to see if there's more cases like Alex and Dr. Somé's because if it worked for them, then it can possibly work for others too. I think people just have to get over their fear and skepticism and just give the spirit realm a try.


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