Bradley Kitaoka - Week 1

 With the spread of the coronavirus I feel we have learned many things about the culture of the US. We've learned that we often take nature and being outside for granted, we are heavily dependent on the internet and Wi-Fi, and in times of fear people are either very kind or are awful to one another. Once the coronavirus got to the United States there have been many instances of celebrities and organizations giving money to those who are heavily affected by the virus. It has been a pleasant surprise seeing Comcast offer free internet to those who can't afford it or NBA players offering to give money to people who work at the arenas since they can no longer work there. There are plenty other cases of pure human kindness being shown around the US. However, there have also been many cases of people abusing and tormenting Asian-Americans just because they were Asian. There was a video that showed a group of people beating and harassing an old Chinese man and talking bad about him like he had the virus when clearly he did not. It's a real shame seeing people harm others based on fear and the unknown when we're supposed to be far pass this as a society. Hopefully now since more information has come out people are more informed about the virus and cases like this won't happen anymore. 
Cite: Woodyatt, A. (2020, March 5). London police seek four men after 'racist' coronavirus attack on East Asian student. Retrieved March 29, 2020, from
Question: What causes people to make contact to hurt someone about a disease that transfers through touch? Are they really hurting them because of the disease or do they just want to hurt someone for enjoyment?


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