Raymond Trinh - Week 4

In the article, ‘We Are Not Alone’ The Shamans Of The World Tell Us, by The Scientific and Medical Network, believe to make a difference, they must search for different understandings. It is believed that intelligence is not restricted to humans but it is possessed by all creatures, plants as well as animals and by the Earth itself. Human welfare was understood to depend on tapping into these wellsprings of wisdom, and all ancient societies had specialists skilled in communication with the natural world and with spirits. These people are considered shamans and they work to maintain or restore harmonious balance between humans and the rest of nature through powerful connections with spirit helpers. This requires a mastery of the techniques of journeying. On their journeys, participants ask animal or guardian spirits to appear and help in finding the answer to a question about their lift or about someone else who has requested aid. Shamans may be playful, but they are not playing games.Their work has a serious purpose such as the evocation of powerful spiritual forces. As a Shamanic practitioner, one must assume responsibility for the welfare of the individuals and groups they guide. Shamanism has no claims to be science due to its strengths and limitations are different from those of science.

How can we support the teachings of Shamanism in a classroom? Animism & Shamanism: Definitions, Worldviews & Ideologies - Video ...


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