Sidney Siu- Week 5

Sidney Siu
Week 5
Rethinking the Western Health Services: Physical and Mental Health

What a Shaman Sees in a Mental Hospital, by Stephanie Marohn with Malidoma Patrice Some, reveals an interesting perspective of people with "mental illness." In fact, the article notes that some shamans and the Dagara people view abnormal mental behaviors as a sort of message coming from the spirit realm, which are delivered through these beings: "The person going through the crisis has been chosen as a medium for a message to the community that needs to to be communicated from the spirit realm" (2). Marohn describes Dr. Some as being deeply sadden and disappointed by the way Westerners treat their patients. She believes that these patients are really healers trying to be born, but that the West is doing the opposite of what her own culture does in trying to birth them.

I found this article so interesting because I had never known about this perspective. While I didn't know about the details of this point of view, I have always thought that mental illness (as treated in America) is something more than what many people think. It amazes me what some of these patients can create with their minds, yet they are typically degraded and disrespected in our society. Instead of using medication and isolation, Dr. Some's community/shamans treat the people with signs of "mental illness" by cleansing their auras, practicing spiritual connecting, and most importantly, with respect. Even if one does not believe in these ideologies, I believe it should be a common practice and manner to treat "mentally ill" people with kindness and respect. No one's dignity should be degraded for something they cannot control.

Views of mental illness by an African Shamanic Healer:


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