XieAo - Week 4

XieAo - Week 4

               Compared with the eternal universe, tens of thousands of years of human civilization is just a drop in the ocean. Our ancestors were once in awe of the earth, the sky, and everything. They were full of curiosity, but they also knew their smallness. These two points are precisely the most lacking qualities of us in modern times. If civilization collapses one day, can we still keep this respect for nature? Now in biology, meteorology, environmental science and other fields, there is a more cutting-edge hypothesis. I think it is more appropriate to use this hypothesis as the end of this period: the hypothesis believes that the earth itself is a huge living body, river Magma is its blood, wind and rain and lightning are its internal circulation system, and earthquake and tsunami are its metabolism. Scientists have named this hypothesis the "Goddess of the Earth", the mother of the gods in ancient Greek mythology: Gaia hypothesis. In recent years, this hypothesis has been recognized by more and more scientists, so what role do humans play in this hypothesis? Like all living things, human beings play the role of "probiotics" on the earth. People with basic medical knowledge know that probiotics are beneficial to the host within a certain amount; but once the warning number is exceeded, they will cause great harm to the host. And this kind of big explosion will eventually only lead to two results: first, the host dies; second, the host actively reduces the number of colonies within the warning range through the "immune system". No matter what the result is, it is a disaster for mankind!

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