Courtney Phan- Week 9

In the readings about earth song, they discuss how Indigenous knowledge and beliefs can be incorporated in academia to educate the generations to come and teach them how to be able to harmonize their voice with the earth's song. They share stories and experiences when they realized that certain things happen for a reason and that there are moments in their life when they know they are in the right place at the right time. By sharing their experiences, they hope to teach the next generations about life lessons they have learned in order to have a better understanding of themselves. The theme of the class this week was future of spirit realm studies. After learning about many types of cultures and their spiritual beliefs, I think that many people would benefit from their practices because of the benefits found to relieve many illnesses and diseases. I hope that more schools offer classes on spiritual healing because I think everyone should keep an open mind and learn about things that science isn't able to explain.


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