Jade Garcia- Week 9 Future of Spiritual Realm

Future of Spiritual Realm
Find Spirituality – Positive Psychology Research | Spirituality ...
I understand that from the way of growing, I was always told that believing in the christian views of believing were the only right ways to pray to the higher power. Though I always question certain religious believes that only focused on what the bible said was the right way. I never really felt a connection towards the perspective of what my parents believed or even felt connected towards something if anything, I felt really rebellious towards their believes. It wasn't until I took a class where we discussed the way spirituality helped heal people. It wasn't until college where it made me think more outside of the box where we didn't look at religion but we taught other spiritual ways of healing and spreading awareness. And even this class questioned certain belief's I have and I became more open minded about the ways that spirituality is practiced in certain cultures. I think it's important to continue the education of spirituality in schools. I think it's important because it help us continue using certain things to help healing. There's been certain remedies that have been used by our ancestors that are still good now and even in my culture people in Mexico rather than going to doctors they continue to go to "Curanderas" who are considered spiritual healers. The school systems within the US really focus on western perspectives when it comes to beliefs and as the increase of brown people continue to grow within higher education, I think it's important to continue to learn about our own spiritualities and healing forms so we won't forget. Another reason to learn and continue to teach classes in regards to spiritually, is that we begin to teach ourselves on how not appropriate cultures and their believes.

Question: Why is that White western people tend to appropriate the cultures beliefs of others and make profit of it? Is because they are not educated upon certain beliefs or because they are arrogant? 


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