ray ruano- week 9

After taking DMT recently and through reflection, I feel more confused. My intention was to find out what was next for me and at first, it didn't seem like I got my question answered but in another way, I was enlightened in a different way. I didn't experience the breakthrough people speak about but I did undergo some self-reflection. I believe in a way, I am too grounded to this reality and plane and I do not seem to have a balance of myself.

I think about what is happening right now in the world with police brutality and the killing of black individuals. It's disgusting but no surprise. The dismantlement of these systems in place will be difficult and it makes it hard to imagine a world in balance and peace.

The systems in place are so embedded in our culture and programming. The Police state must come down but what will replace it? How can a world prepare itself for this inevitable revolution? I think with love and intention. we can begin to have hope.

What will become of my purpose? We are all flawed humans.


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