Week 10- Sidney Siu

Sidney Siu
Week 10

"... there are outside forces beyond your control, and systems in place that will deny you your freedoms, your ability to be completely free. Yet this is a time to be open and unafraid-- it is necessary for survival" (Tanwi Nandini Islam). This is a quote from The Fool tarot card. This is a perfect acknowledgement for the injustice occurring in the U.S. right now. Through all the panicking in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, we face an even greater pandemic-- racism. Although America claims to be the land of the free and offering equal opportunity, it has never been that, and instead, continues to prove to be a racist country. Yes, there are people who are not racist and fight for the injustice that Black people and POC face, though, there is a great amount of racists who keep the inequality alive. America can provide many privileges, but this does not mean equity and equal protection. Our system fails to keep our people safe. Our system feeds the racial divide. Our system is broken.
Like the last sentence of the quote says, this is the time to make an impact. We need to form solidarity, despite our differences, for the cause of humanity and for our Black brothers and sisters. This race war involves Asian Americans, but it is not about us. Black people have paved the way for Asians in America, so we need to stand with them and un-silence our traditionally silenced mouths.
BLM B-town Committees - #BLACK LIVES MATTER
BLM B-town Committees - #BLACK LIVES MATTER
BLM B-town Committees - #BLACK LIVES MATTERBLM B-town Committees - #BLACK LIVES MATTER
BLM B-town Committees - #BLACK LIVES MATTERBLM B-town Committees - #BLACK LIVES MATTER


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