Bradley Kitaoka - Week 10

This class has made me more aware of religion and spirituality. Growing up religion was not a big influence in my life besides the few times I had helped my local Buddhist temple. Taking this class allowed me to learn a little bit more about Buddhism as well as Asian religions and beliefs around the world. It was great learning more about shamanism and the effects it can have on people. This class also taught me a lot about alternative medicine which I didn’t know a lot about before besides herbal medicines and meditation. I think so of my favorite topics from this class was learning about the healing crystals and singing bowls. It was interesting learning about healing methods from sources that do not physically enter your body. Even though I was this class could have been in person I still feel like I got a lot out of it being online. The class discussions were great, and a lot of people were open when discussing topics and helped keep class ideas flowing. Also, each guest speaker was great, and I was able to learn a lot of different things from each one. I’m looking forward to taking your class in summer session 1 and hopefully the world will be in a slightly better place by then.

Top 10 Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies that work ...
Cite: Jain, A. S. (2017, March 26). Top 10 Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies that work. Retrieved June 2, 2020, from
Question: I saw an article about people trying alternative medicine for coronavirus do you think more people will try if a vaccine isn't made soon?


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