Linda Xiao- Week 10

This week is focused on the final project presentation. And the reading for this week is two articles that are related to spiritual connection to our reality. First article is called Eric Ristkes Connected indigenous by Eric J.Ristkes. The second article is called New age commodification and appropriation of spiritually by Michael York.The most remarkable one I read is the second article. The author discusses the topic explores the realm of spirituality and its implications within a classroom, such as student development, within the academy as a whole. Because an ever increasing body of work is emerging within the pedagogical arena and the emergence of this body of work stems from the separation of Western education from the “whole person”. Also it suppresses and silences aspects of student life that are important in the quest for a holistic education experience. Furthermore, the article explained the current discourse of spirituality has been born out of resistance to organized religion. And the religion its coercive, imperialistic endeavors, but in rejecting the organized structures of religion, spirituality has engaged in the individual rights.Then the author mentions the definition of spirituality needs to acknowledge the value of connection. It is through this connectivity that spiritual power is constructed and spiritual resistance is empowered and without it, spirituality falls prey to individualism and relativism. In my opinion, spirituality and our education are connected. There is an unbreakable relationship in between.

My question is: Do you believe our academic and spiritual world is related and connected?


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