Macrina Mackan - Week 10

While this week is dedicated to presentations and does not have a theme, the readings continued and related to the overall theme for the course. One paper that the class read is titled, "New Age Commodification and Appropriation of Spirituality". The title is what peaked my interest. We hear about cultural appropriation but never about the appropriation of spirituality. It is something no one every thinks or speaks of which is why it is not as big of an issue as it should be. The wrongful murder of George Floyd has made more and more people realize that we must respect everyone. With this being said, I feel it is important to respect people's spiritual and religious practices. Just because these practices are now public property and no longer the private preserve of the parochial or religious elites that they once were does not mean that it should be bought and sold in the way that it has been. We must remember that these practices are sacred to many people. If we do not understand the importance of a certain practice, then it is up to us to respect the practice and not take it away from those who hold it in such high regards. This class has taught me so many things that I did not know before. I am thankful that we were flexible in times like these and that we discussed relevant topics. My last question for this class is for everyone to think about: How are you ensuring that you are respecting others and treating everyone equally?

Love one another - John 13:20-35 - Girls' Brigade Australia


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