Matchima Prasansin - Week 10

The article “New Age Commodification and Appropriation of Spirituality” by Micheal York talks about how religion is changing and how there could also be a possible decline in religion. Traditional religion seems to be replaced by new age religions and other practices. We see major countries like the U.S. take “God”out of pledge of allegiance and anthems. This seems to be a trend worldwide and only becoming more common. Another reason why traditional religion is declining is alternative religions and exposure to so many different religions nowadays versus 1900’s. In the early U.S days there were a few religions like Christian or Catholic. Nowadays, we have the internet and more immigrants so the U.S citizens are exposed to more of a selection of different religions. Individuals can now look around and find the perfect religion for them. One that is a perfect fit for their personality beliefs and lifestyle. Another major contributor to switching is also “New Age” religions or alternative religions. Things like astrology, law of attraction and God spark are gaining a lot of popularity as well. People are changing their beliefs where they have a part of God in them or other alternatives resembling simulation theory. Nowadays, there are a lot more options and with the internet thousands of alternatives a click away. In conclusion, there is a change going on with religion from traditional to more new age religions. only time will tell where the next evolution in religion occurs and what type of transitions do we see in the future. 

What type of religions do you think will be the most popular in 2100? (spiritual, traditional, sci-fi ect.)


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