Week 9 - Diane Tran

Diane Tran
ASA 189
Week 9

According to the article "New Age Commodification and Appropriation of Spirituality" by Michael York emphasizes the New Age Movement and how there is a decline of traditional religion in the West. York declares, "In today's world, however, through globalization, capitalism, and large-scale immigration, along with the decline of traditional religious institutions, the Western individual is confronted with an awareness of religious options on an unprecedented scale" (2). In my opinion, I feel like the secular trend is that people are not actually believers of any religion anymore. Some may be interested in a certain religion(s) or learning about it, but are not true believers and devoted to it. We live in a new generation where there are many religions or practices for everyone to do or gain different perspectives. There are people who are born into their religion by their family, but there are some people who are converted to a different religion. This is not necessarily a bad thing, in my opinion, as long as people are fulfilled and find meaning into what they practice and believe in. No one is the same and trying to convert people into the boxed traditional ways cannot have new ideas or new practices. I believe that with the old, comes with the new. The traditional practices have opened the door for the traditional way of meditating and practicing, but it is starting the change. I remember when I was younger, it was so rare for people to convert different religion from what their family backgrounds because it was harder to be a part of something when your whole family is apart of a different religion. However, it is more normalized for people to convert or change their religion because this new generation is more accepting.
Image result for new age of spirituality

Works Cited:
Michael York. “New Age Commodification and Appropriation of Spirituality.”


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