Week 9 (Jennifer Agcanas)

Jennifer Agcanas
Week 9

In the article "New Age Commodification and Appropriation of Spirituality" it speaks of the gradual decline of western religion and the rise of spiritual free-market thought. By the decline of western religion, it refers to the movement of eliminating: religious teachings at public schools, making public officials take religious tests, legislative protection over religious doctrine, etc. Now, religion is now being seen as a separate entity in which it's not forced upon the general public as much as it was before. By the rise of spiritual free-market thought, it refers to the widespread ideology that now "the human individual is responsible for creating his/her own reality" meaning people are learning to branch out and develop their own spiritual/religious path rather than sticking to the religious/spiritual path they were raised into by their family or culture. For me, I firmly believe and support this New Age movement in that I was a victim of what forcing religion on someone is like. I was born into a family where my parents had conflicting religions and would always fight about which one was better and pressured us to convert into one of them we were older. However, my mom ended up secretly baptizing my sisters and me to Catholicism when we went on a trip to the Philippines without my dad when I was 5. As a result, my dad was very upset and they still dispute about this "forced conversion". With that, I reinforce the ideals of the New Age and support the cultivation of people finding their own spiritual/religious path. My question is: Do you think it's possible there will ever be a world where we aren't born into religions?

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