Week 10 - Anna Le

In the beginning, I was very excited about the class and intrigued by the other students. It seemed like the other students carried some knowledge, insight, or experiences of the supernatural or spirituality to the class. For me, I was interested in seeing how students progressed over the quarter. Some students were surprised that this class was based on spirit realm and did not have any spiritual experience or interest, but over time, I saw that they became more open-minded and interested in the content of the class.

I learned a few things from this course that I didn't think before, such as the spirituality and corporatization of birthing, DMT or psychedelics in inducing spiritual experiences, and animism. I have learned how corrupt hospitals with birthing, and how natural home births are healthier for society, and mom and baby. I didn't know before this class that DMT was the most powerful psychedelics that is capable of catapulting people to the spirit realm. I also didn't know what animism was either. I thought it meant animals could talk before this class.

I've grown a greater appreciation for the lower and mid-realms of the spirit realm. Before this class, I only had the knowledge and experience of the God or Source realm (or consciousness). I didn't know very much about the other realms and how other cultures have interpreted it.

I did feel that towards the middle and end of the quarter, the class loss momentum. It was very exciting in the beginning, but after that, I felt like the energy of the class simmered down. People weren't as interested or had much to share. I felt that the class lost it's energy that it had from the first day of class.

I wished that there was a lecture on popular or mainstream spirituality, like crystals, tarot, or astrology because I felt that most of our projects were based on that. It's easily accessible on the internet when you google spirituality. I felt that if we learned about that from the beginning, it wouldn't be so novel to a lot of students who had no idea what these tools were or what it was being used for. Like what is the philosophy or ideas behind using crystals, tarots, and astrology beyond how popular media has portrayed it? I think there should have been a clear understanding of why we use these tools and what kind of ideas, themes, or philosophy behind each of these practices that make up what spirit realm is. I don't think the class got that or understood why. Like sure using these tools is "cool" but how can it really help us with our purpose and how does it work?

I felt that there was much more to learn about spirituality or the spirit realm that the class couldn't provide this quarter. We did learn about the spirit realm, but I think we jumped in it without the crash course 101 on how any of this came to be. I think it would benefit students greatly to have a crash course.

We all carried different knowledge and experiences of the Spirit Realm, but I think what could be done better is how do we combine all that we know to create some kind of cohesive understanding of our experiences? For those who don't know very much to people who know a lot, how do we make the class experience more comprehensive and cohesive for all backgrounds?

[Prof. V as a shepherd herding her students represented as sheep.]



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