Emerald Vang - Week 1

Ever since starting college here at Davis, there was always something wrong. Last year, we had the fires and now we are dealing with this virus. It feels so surreal that these things are happening. I am afraid to go outside and am always paranoid. Because I'm still in Davis, I have been a little homesick and worried about my family in San Diego. It's hard knowing that I can't be there with them and knowing that because of our ethnic background, my family is prone to the racist outbreaks that the virus came with.

I didn't have a lot of problems with racism growing up, considering I lived in a diverse area where minorities understood other minorities. Nowadays, I come across articles about how other minorities have taken part in harassing Asians. It baffles me how loose our community is when push comes to shove. A well-known incident would be an African American male harassing an old, helpless Asian man. He was defenseless unless you count his bag of cans as a weapon. I've even had my own encounters with racism. Last week, I was shopping in the market. As I looked for groceries, my friend came up to me and told me that she witnessed a guy making a complete U-turn upon the sight of me. I was shocked. I know I'm Asian, but that does not give them the right to assume I have the virus. It bothered me even after I had left the market. Another example that made me question humanity was when I was watching a video of a family vlog channel. The dad is Chinese and the wife is Latina. As I scrolled through the comments I came upon one comment that was about the way that the husband should cook his meat longer. For some reason, I was intrigued by what the reply to this comment would be and so, opened it. Under this comment was another that said, not verbatim, "his family created the coronavirus he doesn't need to worry about undercooked meat." How is it that some people think they have the right to assume or joke around saying that this person's family created the virus based on the fact that they're Asian? I just can't understand it. I hope people will become aware that even though we may live in a world with less racism, that doesn't mean it does not exist. I wish these types of people realize that they aren't helping by making these remarks and that an entire race should not be put on blast for an individual's dietary mistake. Things would be a lot different, had this been an outbreak caused by a Caucasian person.

Question: How will the spirit realm relate/help the virus issue and provide healing?


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