Michael Chow - Week 1

The novel Coronavirus pandemic has shown me a lot about myself and the world around me. I've learned that I've been taking many things for granted, like going to the gym or getting coffee with friends. I've learned that I've been taking sunshine for granted. I'm worried about the health of my family, especially my grandmother who lives alone and needs near-daily assistance from my mom. The level of interaction my mom must make with my grandmother is concerning and frightening, having to visit her all the time to take her to her appointments and bring her groceries. I wish I could have gone home for spring break because I miss my family but this would have only brought another factor of risk to my grandmother's safety and it wasn't worth the risk. The Coronavirus has shown me that some (not all) people have a real hatred inside themselves and will use any shoddy reason to release it. The number of hate crimes and acts of violence and harassment toward Asians across the globe and Asian Americans here in the US has skyrocketed. Unfortunately, the number of Asian Americans buying firearms has increased too, something I find difficult to support, but something I understand. These acts of hatred, in my opinion, are a reflection of what mass fear and ignorance create. Asian Americans (and everyone else) need to unite to fight this "invisible" enemy, the Coronavirus. It makes me happy to see, for every video or article highlighting another racist attack, there is another video or article of a brother or sister of another background stepping in to defend the defenseless.


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