ray ruano: week #4


This past week has been so heavy but light. There has been a lot fo growth, reflection, sadness, and ecstasy. I turned 23 this week and with age, comes more responsibly and thinking. I think about our class and the readings, and I feel grateful to be a part of this so I can continue to learn and apply the knowledge to my life and share it with others. 

Our guest speaker Osvaldo was wise and open to our questions. I feel very fortunate for his energy and time. He expressed that in a time like this, we must come together and care for each other. We must let go of materialism and begin to focus within-- to move forward and progress to a different and more balanced version of ourselves. This is the message I felt. 

In the 2015 reading, 'We Are Not Alone.' hope and openness seem to be common themes. These are significant these we must begin or continue to practice, five years later, in 2020. This will be a collective effort and it will not be easy but it must be done. 

The pic comes from an artist who labeled it 'human deteriorating'   


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